Saturday, 26 March 2011

Baby's Heartbeat #2

Couldn't help but have another play with the doppler this morning. Managed to get this short recording before baby had a wriggle and then hid behind the placenta.

11.03.26 - Baby 30 Weeks 4 Days by splinter360

30 Weeks

Bump is brewing nicely. Mum-to-be is getting very tired and not getting much sleep. Apparently baby is now about 3 pounds and fully formed, just needs to put some weight on.

Some great news this week as our friends had their baby, a healthy boy weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce. Welcome to the world Billy!

All this excitement has really brought home the fact that we're now less than 10 weeks away. Better get sorted!

Friday, 18 March 2011

4th Midwife's Appointment

I managed to forget that Wifey even had a midwife's appointment yesterday (despite it being in my Google calendar for weeks!), but then I suppose it's quite normal now. Just another midwife's appointment, 29 weeks 2 days, SFH 30cm, fetal movements, fetal heart as normal, nothing to worry about, situation normal, mundane really. I can feel our stress levels dropping by the week now as we get closer to counting down the weeks in single digits!

Random thought: This week is all about privates!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

27 Weeks vs 37 Weeks

On Sunday we spent the morning at Symonds Yat with friends and were able to compare bumps with K again (on the left). She's now 37 weeks and ready to pop. It was quite funny watching the two of them waddling around, though I think Mrs Wife has a little work to do on perfecting her waddle. Looking forward to receiving K's news and wishing them well for their home birth :)