Thursday, 27 January 2011

22 Weeks

So we're almost at 5 months and things are ticking over quite nicely. Mum-to-be hasn't been very well this week, so had a day off work to recover. Not sure if it was the baby starting to push on vital organs, or just a bug. She's got her appetite back now, so everything's fine. Exciting recent development has been that we can now feel the baby kicking!!

Quite interesting to think that our baby is now able to hear us, so we're trying to be nice to each other :)

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Anomalies Scan - 21 Weeks

Transabdominal scan with Toshiba Xario

We've had a very interesting day. We were in the scan room for at least 20 minutes, during which time the sonographer went through all the various things they check for. The placenta is anterior (at the front), so may mean that we don't feel the baby move until later in the pregnancy. Other than that everything is fine. It's still difficult to believe that there is actually a baby in there!

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

20 Weeks vs 30 Weeks

We were very excited to see how our friend K, who is 30 weeks, was looking when she came to visit for the weekend. It was really great to see her and compare bumps. The wife is now 20 weeks, so officially half way there. It's amazing to think that in 10 weeks she'll look like that and K will have a baby! 10 weeks after that, we'll have a baby! Scary. Looking forward to seeing you again Little One at next week's scan :)