Friday, 31 December 2010

15-20 Weeks

We're now into our 19th week and in a weird kind of nomansland between scans so it's interesting to think what's going on with the baby. Our next scan is now just over two weeks away on the 18th Jan.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Happy Digital Christmas

OK so this isn't directly related to our pregnancy, but there are a few similarities in terms of social media coverage! Enjoy the video and a Merry Christmas to you all :)

Saturday, 18 December 2010

It Could Be A Girl

From our completely amateur experiments with the doppler we have measured an average heart rate of 143bpm. This points to our baby being a girl, apparently, along with the wife's pillow facing south and the sum of her age at conception and the month of conception equalling an odd number (32+9=41). We haven't tried dangling wedding rings over her tummy or divining rods yet!

Friday, 17 December 2010

Baby's Heartbeat

This is amazing! We have recorded our baby's heartbeat using a doppler machine that we have borrowed from friends. So amazing!

10.12.17 - Baby 16 Weeks 3 Days by splinter360

Thursday, 16 December 2010

One Step At A Time

Today's good news is that we've had the results back from our last midwife's appointment. The Down's Syndrome Blood Test gives our odds as normal at 1:2200 and the Spina Bifida test has come back negative. So a healthy baby, here's hoping :)

Monday, 13 December 2010

2nd Midwife's Appointment

We're now 15 weeks 6 days and ticking along quite nicely. In the last few weeks Mum-to-be has started wearing some maternity clothes as her jeans and trousers were getting a bit snug! Today we attended our second midwife's appointment, which went fine. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and some blood was taken for various tests. It's funny to think that by our next appointment on the 18th January we'll be 21 weeks and over halfway there!

Here's to everyone having a Merry Christmas and to our last as just the two of us before Junior arrives :)

Monday, 22 November 2010

12 Weeks 5 Days

So, we made it! Dating scan done (quickest appointment so far - in and out in 15 minutes!). The sonographer was very positive and showed us Tumshie's feet, hands, stomach, heart and brain - all look well and healthy. Looking forward to the next scan at 20 weeks - due on the 18th Jan '11. We've started telling people now, so if you're reading this for the first time - thanks! If you want to keep in touch click on the "follow" button down on the right, or let us know and we'll add your email address for updates.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

It May Be A Boy

After completing this scientific survey I have had it confirmed by actual internet scientists that it MAY be a boy. That's good enough for me!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

12 Weeks

By our dates we've now reached 12 weeks, today, which is a great milestone. We've got our dating scan on Monday so will be breathing a sigh of relief then.

Well done little one. Looking forward to seeing you again on Monday. Love Dad xx

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Trying To Be Good / 11 Weeks

It's starting to look like we're gonna have a baby and with that in mind I'd better start being good (or at least trying!). Yesterday I managed to hang the washing out and put some more washing on and so far today I've been to B&Q to get some more paint and stuff for the garden. Off to do the washing up now, check me out!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

First Midwife's Appointment

After yesterday's ups and downs it was nice to finally attend a scheduled midwife's appointment. Having never actually got this far previously this is quite a milestone for us. I think as a result my expectations were slightly higher; I think I was hoping for a badge or a fanfare! As it was our midwife was running rate, moaning about being overworked and understaffed, rushing us through the various banks of questions, forms, samples, tests etc. I suppose that in itself is quite reassuring; this is how normal pregnancies go. One thing that did cause some concern was the Wife's CO2 levels in her breath. Although only just above the base level, it'll be worth checking our gas boiler / car exhaust just to be on the safe side.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

9 Weeks 5 Days

Phew! Thankfully everything is still OK. 29.1mm = 9 weeks and 5 days. Midwife's appointment tomorrow as planned. Counting the days 'til we're past 12 weeks...

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Can we make it to 10 weeks?

I hate this. Just when we thought things were going according to plan, the wife comes home from work early today because there's been some bleeding. Not a lot, apparently, but enough to worry us. Guess who's going to the early pregnancy clinic again tomorrow!?

Hope you're still in there little one. Love Dad xx

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

8 Weeks

So by now you're not even as big as the head of my toothbrush, but you've got fingers and toes. It's quite amazing when you think about it!

Monday, 18 October 2010

7 weeks 5 days

So we're now 13mm, which equates to 7 weeks and 5 days. Came straight home and booked a midwife's appointment. Can't count our chickens just yet, but well chuffed. Good work Mrs. Wife. Keep holding on little one. Love Dad xx

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Counting the hours

...until our scan tomorrow afternoon. If we can make it this far we can make it to 12 weeks. If we can make it to 12 weeks then we could be home free. Keep on keeping on.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Third Time Lucky?

The story (this time) so far...

Wife wees on stick two weeks ago, result. Boobs hurt, feels sick. Awesome. This week, all symptoms have disappeared. Worry. Sleepless nights. Doctor's appointment. Early pregnancy clinic. Reception. Wait. Wee. Wait. Nurse. Wait. Wait. Wait. External scan. Faff. Internal scan. Second opinion. Conflab. Head scratch. Change resolution. Scan. Result!

2.2mm long. 5 weeks and 3 days. Here we go again. Feeling positive. 13 days 'til next scan... Praying for you little one. Dad xx